
An introduction to bushel

Bushel is a bare-bones, self-contained digital gardening system. A digital garden is kind of like a wiki; a space for one to write small interlinked documents without the rigid structure of a blog.

Why bushel?

Because there didn't appear to be a small, lightweight wiki/digital garden system where I could update content from the browser. And I know I'm lazy enough I would never update it if I couldn't do it from my phone. So I made many bad decisions and ended up with bushel!

The Site

This is actually version 2 of bushel. The original one was a cobbled together flask app and this current one is a fully rearchitected version using astro running on NodeJS. You can check it out on github!

What's coming

I have a few ideas of adding a configurable inter-page links section, image handling, and potentially a user system. But honestly, this project has taught me that I hate node so much and I don't really want to use it for anything else in the future. So we'll see if I get around to adding anything here.